About Me

Chronic hip pain, minor injuries and lack of mobility are what drove me to my personal training journey. My background in sports, passion for Crossfit, and obsession with moving better are what drive my training style. Sports taught me that I could push my body farther than I ever thought possible, however they did not teach me proper recovery techniques or exercises.  Taking control of my hip pain allowed me to live pain free for the first time in years. Things such as putting on socks and shoes were no longer difficult and overall my body felt younger. Seeing first hand what a difference being able to manage pain and injuries made not only in the gym but in my life as well, I was excited and inspired to teach as many people as possible how they too could still hit personal goals in the gym while working on proper body alignment.


ACE: CPT, NASM: CES, USAW: L1, Stick Mobility: L1

PPSC: L2, Mobility, Functional Kettlebell Training

BRM: L1,Low Back Pain, Olympic Weightlifting